Upcoming Events - 2000 October 27th @ 7:00pm - State Board Meeting at Spaghetti Works in Downtown Omaha. We chose Spaghetti Works because First Vice President-Courney Rae really, really, really had to eat there. October 28th @ 10:00am - Council of School Presidents Forum/Workshop at Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing -8501 West Dodge Road in Omaha. Don't let the name fool you this is for any interested nursing student. It is an excellent opportunity to meet students from schools all across the state and share ideas. November 10th and 11th - National Student Nurses Association Mid-Year Convention in St. Louis, Missouri. Only a hop, skip, and a jump away. December 2nd @ 10:00am - State Board Meeting at Clarkson School of Nursing in Omaha. Upcoming Events - 2001 January 20th @ 10:00am - State Board Meeting at Bryan School of Nursing in Lincoln. Febraury 17th and 18th - State Convention!!! If you attend one event all year please plan on attending this fun and informative convention. This year it is being held in Lincoln at Bryan School of Nursing. This is the time of the year when local chapters and members receive awards and new officers are elected. If youa re interested in running for office or nominating your chapter for an award, please contact Joe @ jmrn2b@hotmail.com. Click the link below for a map to Methodist College to attend the free C.O.S.P. forum/workshop. |